Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sevilla and Semana Santa

Okay before I go into writing about Sevilla and Semana Santa I completely forgot in my other post to write about my last day in Madrid when I met up with Emilio! For anyone reading this who is not from where I live, Emilio was an exchange student last year at my high school from Spain. I was excited when I found out my placement in Madrid was close to Emilio, and knew I had to meet up with him at some point. So we ended up meeting up my last day in Madrid. It was so awesome to hang out with someone I knew from home (even though he’s actually from Spain). It was also interesting talking to him about how he felt when he was an exchange student at my school. To everyone from Howland Emilio said he misses everyone:)
Anyways last weekend I went to Sevilla with the other exchange students, another Interhispania trip. Like Madrid, we had a lot of fun together! It’s cool how all of us exchange student’s click so well, and I really believe these will be people I will stay friends with after we go home. I think exchange students are a special kind of person. We all have the desire to see the world and the bravery to put ourselves out of our comfort zones by leaving our homes for a long amount of time. We’ve all had great days and we’ve also had really really bad days, but we all understand what each other is going through and we’re there for each other. I didn’t really expect that I would have become so close with the other exchange students before I came. I made a friend Sophia before I came to Spain. She is a year exchange student, and I met her through our facebook group. She has been such a great friend to me. I swear in Madrid she could read my mind and knew when I was having my worst days and would message me asking me how I was. We even skyped one time when I was having a bad day. She always gave me great advice and made me feel better. I finally got to meet her in person when we got to Sevilla and I was sooo excited! Overall a lot of these exchanges students I feel like I’ve known forever. We all know everything about each others lives from talking so much and have really bonded. Thinking about saying goodbye to them already makes me want to cry. 
Okay now what we actually did in Sevilla (didn’t plan on writing a mushy gushy paragraph about my exchange student friends when starting this). Sevilla was beautiful! Everywhere we walked it was beautiful, and smelled so good because of the trees called “Arbol del Amor” or “Arbol de Judas”. We walked along the Guadalquivir River a lot, and it was absolutely beautiful with the buildings sitting along it. One day a group of us got a boat for an hour and rode along the river, which was a lot of fun! We visited a navigation museum one day. Sevilla is where important explorers from Spain left from. Christopher Columbus probably being the most famous. We also saw the Torre Del Oro(where the explorers kept their riches), Plaza De Espana (built on the Maria Luisa Park's edge to showcase Spain's industry and technology for the world fair in 1929, also some scenes from star wars was shot here) Real Alcazar (a royal palace), and some other things I can’t remember at the moment. We also got to see a flamenco! This was pretty interesting. Not what I expected though. It was one women and two men accompanying her with instruments and clapping. I guess I didn’t really know what flamenco dancing was because she did a lot of clapping and stomping, and it was pretty impressive. One day we walked through a park (I think the Maria Luisa Park but I’m not sure). There were sooo many birds and you could buy food and they would fly on you and eat out of your hand. This didn’t really appeal to me, birds just annoyed me I guess, and I typically would shoo any near me. Well I decided “Hey everyone’s doing it I will regret it if I don’t”. This is when I discovered I have a fear of birds. First I just bent down and tried feeding them out of my hand but would jump back whenever one came near. FInally one flew on me..... and lets just say everyone got some entertainment from my reaction while the bird stayed on me. Now looking back at the video Andrea got of me it was pretty funny. When we were in Sevilla it was the beginning of Semana Santa, so we got to see some of the processions. These consist of people dressed up literally like the KKK, but they are called “penitentes” and do not at all sympolize the same thing as the KKK. The costumes represent them covering their faces for mourning their sins. Also in the processions have people carrying “Paso’s” which are these beautifully decorated floats with Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Even though we all know what the “penitentes” were, it felt weird seeing them because we all are so used to associating the costumes with the KKK. The processions were very interesting to see though. Our last day in Sevilla I had to say goodbye to some people who won’t be coming home with us in Barcelona, which was pretty sad:( I have a feeling I will be seeing them in the future though. Zoee if you’re reading this, expect to see me in Cali soon;) 

This week in Cadiz for Semana Santa just felt like a regular week for me. My host family isn’t very religious so we didn’t go to church or do anything special. One night I went to see the Processions with some of Nirm’s spanish friends. The processions are held in the center of Cadiz. Again it was amazing to see all the paso’s. Getting through the center was really difficult with all the people though! Today was kind of sad though because it was Easter (Happy Easter everyone!) but Easter isn’t really celebrated here like it is in the U.S. So today I felt a little homesick since I didn’t wake up to an easter basket, or have an easter dinner, etc. Nirm and I tried to go to El Corte Ingles to buy some chocolate and make ourselves our own easter basket, but it was closed. Today is also my last day of break which I am happy about because sitting around the house and sleeping a lot is getting old. Also since I was only in school two days before I break I didn’t really make many friends to be able to hang out with over break. So I have been with Nirm and Kevin mostly, so I’ve been speaking English way too much. Kevin and I went to see Spider-Man 2 last night though and I was really excited I understood a lot of it! Okay well that’s all for now. Hope everyone had a great Easter! Adios!

p.s. I am only including a few pictures because I'm lazy but to see more check out my Facebook album

Emilio and I!

Plaza de Espana

Sophia and I taking selfies with the Penitentes
My encounter with the birds, a little embarrassing but funny! (if on a phone you may not be able to see the video) 

Kevin was must more graceful with the birds
Paso's in the church before Semana Santa began 
Us exchange students hanging out on the balcony probably about 3 am
Mis Chicas:)

Cádiz processions

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Beginnings in Cádiz!

Ahhhh okay I have been both excited and dreading to right this blog post. First I am dreading it because I have to explain some things I don’t want to really talk about. I have kept my blog almost completely positive. Therefore it seems like I have had an amazing time, and when an exchange student told me “I love reading your blog, and I am so jealous it seems like you’re having an amazing time!” I laughed a little and told her how I really felt and why. Therefore this next part may be a surprise for some also. I have actually been very unhappy. I don’t want to go into much detail about why, but overall I was not happy in Madrid, and pretty depressed most days. There were several reasons why, and I actually got to the point where I decided to come home at the end of April with the trimester students. I came to the conclusion I couldn’t go on being so unhappy anymore so I wanted to at least make it to how long the trimester students were staying, but I moved this week to a city in the south of Spain called Cadiz, which if you’ve read my other blog posts I have actually been here already. We had tried to switch me before, but my organization in Spain wouldn’t allow it. I emailed them one last time asking them to reconsider and if not to give me information on how to come home early and to my surprise they decided to change me. Overall where I was in madrid just wasn’t the right fit for me, and I really wanted it to work out, but it didn’t. Anyways I am not going to dwell on the bad things because now I got a new start in a new place with a new family and school!
With my new host family I have a host mom Maria, and two host brothers, David (13), and Jose (20). I was really excited to have brothers, since I have my 3 brothers at home! I live in an apartment, and get this.... I AM A 10 MINUTE WALK FROM THE BEACH!!! My second day here I went to the beach almost all day with Nirm and another exchange student Lukas from Sweden, and I didn’t really think I needed sunscreen and I have no idea why I thought so stupidly, but I haven’t gone to the beach since because I am recovering from some bad sunburn! My first night here was awesome, I met up with Nirm, Kevin an exchange student from Australia, and Erling another exchange student from Norway. We mostly walked around and they showed me some of Cadiz, but it was a lot of fun! Monday I just went to make my schedule, but thought I was going to school too, and my host family did too. So when I got home early no one was home and wouldn’t be for a few hours, so I had no way of getting in. I spent a few hours at El Corte Ingles, which is like Macy’s but with so much more. It has everything from mattresses to toys to clothes to makeup and with a grocery store attached. They have El Corte Ingles everywhere in Spain, and it’s really nice its only a 5 minute walk from my house:) 
I had my first day of school Tuesday and it was great! Everyone was so nice and came up and talked to me and introduced themselves. A group of girls discovered I live by El Corte Ingles like them and invited me to walk home with them! Theres another exchange student Melissa who I knew before who is also in my class. She’s basically fluent in Spanish though from having grandparents from Mexico, and studying in Spain another time. So I feel like the stupid exchange student a little hahah. After school Tuesday I joined a gym with Kevin and Erling, because hey what else do I have to do after school now that it ends at 2:30 instead of 5 like it did in Madrid. This was funny because there were only big buff guys there, and there I was, scrawny skinny little me trying to work out. Kevin and Erling taught me how to use some of the machines and assured me more girls are there other days. Yesterday was leg day though.... so I can’t really walk today, for I am extremelyyyyy sore! Yesterday I also met Lynn and Julia two other exchange students from Norway and Italy. We ran into them at El Corte Ingles, where Erling Kevin and I went after the gym. I am surprised because Cadiz is small but I don’t think it’s that small and we’ve run into people several times. I mentioned earlier I was at the beach with Lukas, well I saw him at Mcdonald’s and he ended up coming along to the beach, the next day I saw him again on the boardwalk! On my way to school today I ran into another exchange student named Emily (oh yeah I walk to school now). I’ve only been here for 5 days and have almost seen all the other exchange students from our organization! 

I feel like there is so much I want to write about because I am so much happier here and can honestly say now I am having a great experience  There is so much more new things I want to tell everyone about. Its late here though, and even though I had a 3 hour siesta today I am still exhausted! I also tried to get this blog in before I leave for Sevilla tomorrow(another trip with exchange students with the organization) so I guess that will be it for now. Buenas Noches from Cadiz!!!

First night in Cadiz with Erling, Nirm, and Kevin!

Me, Nirm, and Lukas on the Beach:)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend With My Fellow Exchanges Students in Madrid:)

MADRIDDD! Okay so I went to Madrid this weekend with the other exchange students and it literally was the best weekend since I have been in Spain! I've really really been struggling lately so it was great to be with them all for the weekend. I had soooo much fun with everyone and didn’t want to leave. The weekend didn’t start off so good... it actually started as a nightmare and this is what happened.

    I had to take the bus and then 2 metros to get to the hostel. Everything was going great until I was on my last metro. I looked down at my suitcase and noticed it was almost completely open on the bottom and half of the side! The zipper broke from the bottom and slowly continued to open it as I was traveling. I started trying to fix it and realized I had my Mac was sitting right on top.... and it was no longer there. I remember that morning questioning if I should put it in my back pack or my luggage. I chose my luggage because it’s really heavy in my back pack and I’d have my luggage with me the whole time, SO WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? My luggage breaking thats what went wrong. So anyways when I noticed I started shaking and saying some swear words to my self while face palming myself, and everyone on the train was staring at me as I was panicky looking at my broken luggage. I got off at the next stop and grabbed a taxi back to where I got off the bus to take the metro. I retraced my steps looking for it. I tried explaining to people at the metro that I think worked with the buses my situation. This was all in Spanish though and they just told me to try and look for it. When I retraced all my steps I just went to my final destination, went up to the streets of Madrid, sat on a bench, and called my mom and balled my eyes out. When I finally got out why I was crying so hard she laughed and said calm down, she was scared I got stabbed or hurt or something worse. She told me it was just a laptop and it can be replaced. I felt a little better she wasn’t mad, but still was extremely upset. I talked to my mom about talking with apple and possibly tracking it. I had a little hope I’d get it back, but I knew that my laptop was gone and I was probably not getting it back. Then I needed to find the hostel, and couldn’t find street signs. As I was searching for it and crying I saw a Starbucks, so I went in to get a drink, calm down a little, and get wifi so I could find where my hostel was. 

I calmed down a little and found my way to the hostel but I just couldn’t wait to see my best friend Nirmala and give her a huge hug and just cry about everything going on. I have needed that, since I don’t have my real mom here or my best friends Nirm was able to substitute for them. I arrived at the hostel before anyone but went some of the students arrived I got to hug Nirm and cry to her. I think everyone was thinking “what the heck is going on with this girl?” Anyways I explained what happened and the people from Interhispania said after lunch they would take me to the police station to make a report. While at lunch I got a call from my host dad saying he had my laptop! I didn’t even tell my host parents because I wasn’t sure they could actually do anything, and I also felt a little stupid and embarrassed. My mom got a hold of them though and told them what happened. They made some calls to the police stations and train stations and got my computer! THEY ARE AWESOME! I feel like I can’t thank them enough for what they did. 

Anyways now the actual weekend. A majority of the students I already knew from orientation in Barcelona, but there were a few people I didn’t know. I made a friend named Christoffer (looks like Christopher, but no its pronounced Chris-t-off-er) He is from Sweden and spoke fluent English. I also made a friend from Germany named Thomas but his English was not as good. We refer to them as “Sweden” and “Germany” mostly though hahah. It’s pretty cool making friends from around the world and learning how their lives are different and similar.... and when you have friends from other countries you have an excuse to visit those countries;) We got to see a lot of things in Madrid like Museo de Prado, Plaza Meyor, Palacio Real, and other things that I don’t remember there names. I don’t want to bore anyone with a history lesson of what these things are so just google it if you care, or I’ll put up some pictures. I surprisingly didn’t take many pictures though. Almost the whole weekend we all stayed up super late and had to get up early, so when it came to tours and what not it was a struggle to understand since I was exhausted, also the tour guide spoke in spanish most of the time. We had a lot of free time which was cool so we could just explore the city on our own, or hang out at the hostel and talk, or watch funny videos about sweden and how to speak swedish hahahah. One day Chris (the swedish guy) brought speakers, and at first we kinda made fun of him because WHY WOULD YOU BRING SPEAKERS AROUND? He finally ended up playing music and we walked around the city listening to music. Chris had some pretty awesome music too! At night we had a lot of fun going out and what not. I’d say that a good way to describe our nights overall is... interesting hahahha. One night some of us were skyping there friends from home to introduce to our friends here, so I skyped my best friend Logan:) I was really happy she got to see all my friends that I have told her about. One of the nights it was so awesome because we walked into the hotel and my friend Taylor was there! I’m not sure if I’ve written about Taylor but he’s an exchange student at my school from China/United States. He was friends with one of the guys that works at the Hostel, so was coincidentally staying at the same hostel for the night with his friend! Taylor and his friend ended up hanging out with us for a lot of the night. The last day everyone went home around noonish, but I stayed in the city for awhile with Andrea, who changed and now lives in the city. We went to a mall close to her where we got lunch. Her mall had TACO BELL!!!! Taco Bell is definitely not in any way a super good place to eat, but I ALWAYS go in the middle of the night with my brother or with my friends, so it was nice to get some taco bell! Great way to end the weekend:)

       Over the weekend some of us exchange students became a lot closer. We actually started a group message on Whatsapp (haven’t mentioned this but people in Spain ONLY use WhatsApp to text, its like kik) the group chat literally has me cracking up all day. IT IS TAKING OVER ALL MY FREE TIME!!!!! No not really, but we’ve discovered if you don’t have your phone for about an hour you will come back to at least 100 messages, it’s kinda funny. 

Kate, Me, Nirmala, and Gabriella

Me, Sebastian (New Zealand), Spencer, and Zoee

Nirmala, Me, and Kevin (Austrailia)

All the boys from different countries! Chris (Sweden), Thomas (Germany), Sebastian (New Zealand), and Kevin (Australia)
Chris and I

Me, Kate, and Nirmala
In front of Palacio Real

Isaac accidentally photobombing the picture

I don't remember what the name of this is behind me…..

Andrea, Taylor, and I
Isaac and I (it was our last morning and I forgot we didn't get a picture so yep random one in the hostel)

Andrea caught my moment of happiness taking my first bite into taco bell for 2 months